Have YOU got the COURAGE... 
...to consider OPTION II ? 
We have all experienced enough to have understood that collectives cannot under-stand and give appropriate meaning to individual lives! They are better at crying: Crucify him!”; up to God’s son, in economy; ecology, in politics; even commons sense in favor of interest groups the can manipulate... And so YOU as a real human being are called to muster your courage to relate beyond what the 3 organized sciences (arty seduction#0, humanities#2,  technology#1) allow; to the left, amplified by the little finger, the mid- and ring-finger ) try to instrumentalize life (thumb), leaving people impotent to understand individual lifefulfillment (pointer). Then there world_i  gets closed#120 and thereby self-destructive! In short, the time has come for a critical number of real human beings to apply Option II as homo sapience sapience, understanding what they know in terms of their principle of lifefulfillment, starting with what they innately LIKE, not just in option_i terms; enticed, egoistically, greedy, fearful, socially correct...  If humans force themselves in these terms_i to not do what they like, they get under the spell_i of mass- attractivity_i, to mess it all,to life on Earth, up!
Imaging that what each human being, YOURS too, innate LIKES can be parameterized! In fact for me that is 6b#2<C>9B5#3 based on my principle of lifefulfillment X=9Pp: With 9B5#3 my SOUL” experiences B5- life in the F9-essential overview over the personally-neutral#3 Pp-Processes I prepare out of my X=substance of my being. My BODY’s life energy strives for F6-control of the personally-neutral#2 b-balance of the implementations of the individually different X=principles of lifefulfillment. My <SPIRIT> tries to cope with the meaning of the C-Clash between individuals and the collective, insightful understanding and wordy intellect domination world_i with all its power. Since the 1st Pharaoh, the elite tried to solve this problem with the mono- political madness; with this Option I; in vain! It lead to brutal hierarchies in which priests and intellectuals philosophized in abstract wordy ways to cover up their greedy hidden agendas sacrificing real human beings meanwhile by the hundred of millions - making therm build pyramids for their death cults  up to world wars with end technologies...!
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