What’s best about Sandwiches?
what SELLS, what provides HEALTH? 
The answer under option_i is simply that the best is what sells best; about sandwiches of course this is McDonald! And that despite the fact that studies show that it ruins the habits and health of millions. And why is that so? Because McDuck employs the best marketing language to help people make a decision about fast food! Time is money, and eating fast: “We are lovin’ it to do it for you!” What do you get for it? The fantasy to being part of those who “love” it even before eating and like kids. What more do you want? Is it really true that a human being does not live from McDonald alone? Doesn’t the Bible say that if you do not become childish, you are not going to enter heavens? Well, it is childish up to year 5 to make best use of your §1-right to express  what matters to you. It helps if people around you are sorting out expression in terms of belonging together. Otherwise you feel urged to sacrifice your “natural child” to become an adapted one giving in to “critical parents”, e.g. to option_i... However, from year 6-10 it is time to learn to make use of your §2-right to express  your purpose. And in the non understanding world_i, that provokes sorting out opposition! So all the world_i under option_i cares about, is selling by suggesting some kind of %1-political correctness as a mass- attractive added value. And that is what the elite on top wants to sell to their target group at the bottom of their hierarchy to stay on top with all the privileges that entails. That requires more and more %5-manipulating non-sequiturs to uphold, the in itself, substance less %6-projection of option_i  against everything (nature) and everyone with an innate substance such as you and I!
And that is why, 10-15 year old teenagers have to be made to grow up to option_i instead of working out their §3-personal integrity. So please do no longer wonder why the world_i is not §0-sustainable! Nobody lacking §3-personal integrity can care for anything substantial, with or without a Kyoto protocol! So at the age of 15-20, where a §0-sustainably fulfilling live is the inner topic urging to be fulfilled, people are put in the %6-Social Darwinian rat-race  of having to compete for a sexual partner, an income, and attention in society which in turn is streamlined  by politics towards the now global spirit of the time, the zeitgeist! This way some people. say were borne 1946, died in 2001 and will get buried around 2030; born as an X-original, dying as zeitgeist clones... How to go for the Best? Under option_i you are inhibited to B1-believe what happens when your conscience tunes in to your X-being with Option_ii!  Only if you do it, can you get the meaning you deserve to perceive with eyes to see and ears to hear to understand what your life is about! That is the topic adults should get involved with at the age of 20-25 and thereby outgrow the Option_ii suppressing world_i from within; as a Trojan horse. Then, not just among others Michael Gorbachev, you too can and will eventually L3-reframe your environment, hopefully in view of children, so they also get the opportunity to fulfill their lives on this unique planet Earth for what is was created. Thus the time has come for you to understand the subtle secret of closed upon themselves and thereby permanently self-destructive strategies used to keep the world_i converging to the zeitgeist and how that gives rise to the so-called “dark evil voices” in your mind. They suck your Option_ii, thus eventually your substance, your X-self to end up as a zombie; an empty, self-destructive shell just like the zeitgeist; such as not only Adolf Hitler but more and more people. So now there is an urge in the zeitgeist elite  to replace the present race with cyborgs and computer controlled holograms (MATRIX...)
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