Humans have 2 Options; do not
default, a wussy among sheople!
Be politically correct, socially compatible under option_i despite its obvious insanity the signs of which are on all walls and hardly any culture, institution, team, relationship, head not at the limits of desperation. But most people still believe it dies easier in the mass  if there is anyway no lifefulfillment and all just evolution. OR make up your mind to face your challenge and use your Option_ii L1-talent to preserve your dignity which allows you to be your X- self. For me that means b>B5; envisaging the sufficient generally relevant with my L1-talent to b-balancing the personally relevant B5-lifefulfillment of the people involved together. Each of us, you too, have to face such a challenge in view of the option_i constrained people  hating it and trying to also divide your talent from your dignity to engulf it and thereby you under option_i as well. And that is why it is not easy to do the “right” thing, and why option_i entails the empty promise of an easy life, such as the “American Dream”! Beware of the so- called “Christian-humanist-socialistideology! The Bible explicitly warns of that kind of double-mindedness  typically displayed by the sneakily conspiring  Pharisees with their double tongues and pretending not to understand - the brand mark of option_i!
Here are your default option_i and Option_ii: Check them out in terms of their meaning and consequences. Bear in mind that you are free to chose, but not free from the corresponding consequences. Do not be fouled by option_i suggesting to free you from the consequences of its mass-attractive anything goes. Wussies default as sheeple (sheep-people) to the mono-political elite_i and are the first to pay as useful idiots to those who promised to protect them of the consequences like pimps. Take the US-Americans who defaulted into dept making to become mass-attractive consumers, and before them, communists,  who became random victims of terror in the name of socialism. The latter denounced capitalists as so unsatisfactory the all means were supposed to justified to get rid of them. The capitalist system had a pyrric victory in 1989 with the fall of the “Evil Empire” of the Soviet Union. So now the elite_i speaks of a New World Order for peace in oder to denounce everybody as bad who does not go along with it, while the economy flourishes at appeasing the mislead baddies or let them die.
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