There is ONE Basic Question:
To BE with Option_ii, or NOT_i to Be! 
The Alternative with Option_ii: §3-Integrity towards WHO YOU ARE beyond       %5-neuro-linguistic manipulation to fulfill YOUR §2-purpose beyond the       the ZG-zeitgeist and its       %1-political correctness;  §1-claiming your right to express what is essential.   This way you can L3-reframe merely trying to get attention under option_i by 1) relating to YOUR life, 2) recognizing its substance, 3) and give meaning to science#3 to enable yourself to  4) cope with all the WHY-questions your own life and that of your fellows challenges YOU to be the answer for in supporting to fulfilling it.   Have I awoken your interest in Option_ii?  Can we get practical about YOUR Life-Fulfillment Principle? Or are you still crying for products, services, recipes, methods and ideologies to sublimate your lifefulfillment to thus belong to the “others”? I am talking about those who neither understand themselves nor you but use the same tricks! Admittedly some are trying to be nice with you as long as you do not mention Option_ii. And so to not themselves give rise to suspicion they do it, they remain vague with you like kids.    All this infantility is now predominant so that nobody senses anybody being non-socially compatible by trying a personal challenge as I do it here. So world_i is all about merely a procedural competitions in how to get attention ranging from gossiping, politics up to running amok up to self-suicide terror war and genocide. All that is easier to handle by the world_i than Option_ii even if the world_i collapses in the absence of Option_ii - say 1910 on the Titanic and lately, when it comes to bubbles. Remember, under option_i YOUR destiny does not matter; the US-arms %-lobby is mightier than the shock over another amok run; it’s option_i stupid!    Even politician in Switzerland admit that they are no longer capable of rational, let alone sustainably desirable decision making and yet they all turn a blind eye to Option_ii even at the universities! In short, most people’s minds are corrupted by option_i to a globally dangerous degree! It is time that I am no longer ignored to point this out!
As a Real Human Being YOU can face    1) The Fact of Life: You are born [DD.MM.YYYY] as [Name Surname], into a [family and its social context]. Attempts are made to shrink the meaning of the substance that fact entails by collectivist education, cloning and virtualizing life, ultimately to a MATRIX of computer controlled holograms. However, this  still does not apply for YOU! So please muster your inner resources to ADD YOUR 2) Suggestive Interpretation: Since having been born into this world, you have been developed as a human#2 under option_i to gain some position and status in the %1-society. In this other-determined, personally-neutral#2 %5- manipulative process, you have *3-survived certain content-free situations#1. This has given rise to wishful, “anything goes” ?0-illusions and visions#0  which you tried to realize as forms, events and the corresponding “feelings”. And that has made you susceptible to buy outer stuff to realistically, or merely seemingly enhance your own inner resources. With what is left of you, come up with YOUR 3) personally relevant Conclusions    such as, that it does not make any sense to assume self as a product of evolution such as the mere forms and facts of man-made stuff under option_i. In that world_i people sort things out to become equal to belong as is necessary for kids up to year 5 to learn to make use of their §1- right to express what is essential for them. Intellectuals are stuck on the inner developmental stage of the first 5-year cycle and therefore build on philosophy and language#2 as the only way of expressing everything as appearances of ideas frozen into forms. This truly terrible thinking catastrophe inhibits people to make us of their §2-right to fulfill any inner personal purpose and just reduces themselves to opinionating under option_i and leave the judgment to the %1- political correctness of the ZG-zeitgeist! Thus people get frozen on the developmental level of children up to year 10 having left the §1- kindergarten to get §2-purpose conditioned under %-option_i. Now that applies to the whole of humanity, globally synchronized to degenerate!  And so individuals born as originals seduced to outsourcing their inner resources to the market of the zeitgeist, die as its copied clones...
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