internal Growth-Potential-Systems©
YOUR Chance to understand...
from the option_i world, turning my p-perception
personally relevant towards the >6 very good that is
possible with Option_ii, adapting to the X-inner
substance of real human beings. Then I began to
7-influence the Cp-communication beyond what
option_i prepares as opinions, now towards
adapting to Option_ii as the only desirable
alternative. The
B4-truth then revealed what leads to lifefulfillment
substantiated by one’s X-being. I succeeded in
coming up with the way to I-conceptualize the
possible 1728 X despite the >3 unsatisfactory way
prevailing science, subdued to option_i still opts for
one norm. Based on my experience in 7-convincing
others in their self-centerdness, I found more and
more matching ways to model real human beings in
all their aspects of manifesting their different lives.
B5-life; it took me to the age of 44 to get married,
the second time, now for life, because with Diane I
found the way to fulfill my X-being sufficiently towards
the >6 very good. In my personal case, with 9Pp,
that is preparing processes based on the 9-
fundamental lifefulfilling principles aligned to those
concerned, here myself. Similarly based on your X,
with para-meterizing it, I can do it towards your i-
GPS. Thus an achievement beyond what option_i
allows and you can dream of under it, was fulfilled
against all odds without too much head on
collisions and option_i temptations, which ruin so
many life projects...
We are now at the end of the 9. 5YC when I was 45.
Beyond it I had my.
H1-hope to face my >3 unsatisfiable G-guilt over
many losses lacking to account for Option_ii myself
and losses from those who insisted on option_i
tragically. My acquired generally relevant v-values
allowed me to 5-take the initiative to Bw-working out
the 1718 boundary conditions relevant for making
Option_ii operational instead of becoming frustrated.
H2-superior order; allows me to cope with the still
open T-tension about the incredible substance less
power by which the world projects option_i as the
exclusive order even at the abyss of self-destruction.
That is where my meaning giving t-thinking about
the Bw-working out the >6 very good frame work for
all relevant real human systems, such as here with
the optimal i-GPS, comes in to make me carry on.
H3-reality; in relating to and depending on what IS, I
find my basically substantial R-(re)solution in view of
the >3 unsatisfying one the -> Bm-zeitgeist tries to
condition the mass with undermining my §2-y. But
having qualified so far beyond the traps of Option I, I
can still Op-prepare lifefulfilling objective in an 5-
entrepreneurial way to go further to the
H4-substantiality which challenges me to account
for my a-inner voice which in an 1-innovative way.
This makes me Pw-work out processes in the basic
service of us all, who do not give up...
L1-loving engagement: The still unresolved stuff tries
to suck me away from my L1-life project with +2
greed and -4 fear. But what makes me love-worthy is
my substance for a ruthless basic b-balance of what
otherwise remains >3 unsatisfactory among us...
L2-in time: Rather than fall for my last temptation to
%5-manipulate others myself, my being ask for an
encounter with what is !-essential for timely exchange
of project-oriented competence....
L3-reframing: Without my part in the 8-necessary
timely reframing of those aspects of Option I, which
are otherwise self-destructing, my J-self-justification
in opening up >5 good possibilities for Bp-preparing
the Option_ii framework for LifeFulfiling Platforms is
at stake. In other words, the enemies of Option_ii
deny my right to contribute, even to exist. Along that
line I have tragically lost several people once very
near to me.
In other word, the above is to be taken very
serious - it is a matter of live or death! And your
i-GPS can be parameterized similarly with none
less threats and challenges, so that you no longer
need to hide behind a fig leave woven of the option_i
“sins” - the following sites let understand...
The internal Growth-Potential-System i-GPS
provides orientation for each of the 16 5YC,
5-Year Cycles of the ethical challenges §1-L3
in terms of
Option_i Ethics Social Impact
temptations Resources_ii wordy expression
For me with my X=9Pp that means:
§1-expressing what are essentially >1 very bad
blockages in my h-living space to be able to 2-do
what Pe-establishes the process of my being
§2-following up the y-minimal necessity as my
purpose for basically overcoming the >1 very bad
aimlessness of and trapped in the ZG-zeitgeist
with its temptation for me to give up 2-working for
Bm-multiplying desirable boundary conditions for
life- through task fulfillment instead of
§3-giving a c-profile to the >6 very good even
when it appears inferior, by 2-working within and
for the Be-boundary conditions of LifeFulfilling
Platforms that support and challenge my personal
integrity together with that of other participants
beyond what my e-physical body’s experiences
seem to require as really inferior, towards
§0-daring the M-maximum of what is >6 very good
for a sustainable risk taking in 2-doing what the
Pm-multiplication of the appropriate process really
requires with or without the ZG-option_i opinions of
And indeed these were exactly the challenges I
had to face in the four 5-year’s cycles up to the
age of 20 without understanding what is was all
about! Meanwhile I could write a book about it! A
few twists and turns in my life would have been
quite different if someone had told me the above,
so that I could have learnt on the job, rather than
the hard way. Contrary to say Adolf Hitler, I just
made it through 1166 to a §3 c-profile which at the
age of 35 began to lead me to the >6 very god for
all; my B3-path with Option_ii outline here 33 years
later. In that time to my present 68 years of age, I
experienced a few more “learning it the hard way”!
But my life from then on increasingly shifted to
more on the job learning, following my vocation,
which is now available as i-GPS for everybody
who cares...
B1-believing my f-feelings more than my
subjective but substance less relationship to %-
politics despite its >5 good intentions, made me
rather than 2-doing things out of that simplifying
longing, to rather 4-manage the Oe-objectives
requires for LifeFulfilling Platforms to be
B2-breaking through option_i has proven the only
way for me to S-relax beyond the ?0-illusions
about what is >5 good to then *3 react in A-anger
at being disappointed and blamed. And so rather
than thus trying to force the issue with Cm-
multiplying the needed communication, I
developed the Option_ii way to 4-manage it more
precisely for general usage, just as Issac Newton
did beyond Galileo Galilee with his angry reaction
to the Pope’s denial of his research: “And it (the
Earth around itself and around the sun) turns
B3-path; as the theory predicts, by the age of 35,
at the end of my 7. 5YC, I began to emancipate
*my i-GPS
Take your time to consider what your inner
substance requires to understand and to
consider in your behavior in the world_i:
Their is not desirable short-cut!