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of YOUR Existence... 
On the physical level, our bodies are all in the same way held together by the spine with its 24 discs. What I indicated to the left is the mental spine with its 8 black”, substance less social, parot- copy like states of being, and the 16 white” one’s, where we have innate personal resources. While for all humans the nerves relate to the same organs from each disc, the structure of the 24 keys, and the resources of the 16 “white” ones are individually different - on an all encompassing level in 1728 possible ways, where each one does justice to each specific real human being such as YOU or I, or for a culture. Compare this to the option_i fuzzy ways the so-called humanities speak about “humans” with their self- destructive mono-political, hierarchical thinking- catastrophes! On this substance less basis Option II  has been pre-trans-trapped (example) trans- solutions equally or worse prosecuted than pre-crimes, so the Option I show can go on in its wordy self- destructive traps, unchallenged by any substance. Countless lives have thus been clashed gruesomely in bloody human catastrophes; watch YOUR reaction  to this site stemming from Option I mental (black key) viruses in your mental operating system...
LIFE is individually acted out via one’s BODY,  which is passionate about LOVING (L1) and be loved - as its very origin. This leads to the experience, which is commonly attributed to the SOUL - here we are more specific in terms of our innate X=substance as a human being. Imagine a piano with 8 black and 16 white keys, one of them L1 with its individual resource (for me, b-balancing what is relevant to all humans), another one with X=the substance underlying the whole being (which for me is on the ethical level of B5-personally relevant life). The SPIRIT in turn needs to deal with, either as in my case, with the Clash, or the Trap between L1>X (loving above all one’s created self - the basis of all LIKES), or preceding, or transcending one’s L1 to relate to X. Without thus giving meaning to above all X-onself, the onset of all L1- engaging love, one’s self, is sucked meaningless by the option_i black keys of %- social power games in terms of + lust and - pain, *-ego and ?-fantasy driven aiming for mass-attractivity in the zeitgeist...
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