i-GPS ZG- embodi- %1-correct ?0 illusions Emotion: G-guilt, T-tension
zeitgeist ment %6-modelling *3-ego > A-anger +2 profit -4 loss %5-manipulation “Nirvana” / Trash+Waste...
However, since I use the above Personalized Desktop design (it’s in my mother tongue, German)
congruent to my i-GPS, I feel it like it is a mirror to what goes on in my mind. This makes me find my files and
icons easier and in an enhancing way. Imagine how that makes me flow, fulfilling my Option II resources;
jumping out of the glass of the
flea circus of option I. When I
rarely get stuck, usually from
outside interventions, I can
identify in which glass the flea is
trapped, and I can then find
the way out without undue
stress, let alone being mass-
conditioned to give up under
option I. Of course the challenge
is with those, who do give up.
But working just via my desktop,
and away from my computer,
out of my i-GPS learnt by heart
to stay in the foreground of
my mind, that is no problem anymore that I cannot handle by shifting my attention to the appropriate
Option II resource of mine. In fact each such application makes me grow inside in my potential; rain or
shine, neck or nothing! And it shows me every day what Lifefulfilling Platforms can be, and how much more
fulfilling cooperation can be when everyone tunes in tho his or her i-GPS rather than to the -4 fear of the
Damocles sword of the closing up cork in the option I flea circus. And yet, those poor souls then can do no
better than striving to be on top of option I with simply +2 more of the same such as banksters. And that just to
end up according to the Peter-Principle; eventually, at the peak of their substance less incompetence, they
cannot but give up, exhausted to be fired under Option I, left with no alternative as all the increasing mass
of unemployed victims and impotent perpetrators trapped in standard procedures until their screen goes black.
internal Growth-Potential-Systems©
Applied as Personalized Desktop...
Accomplished Tasks
The sixteen Option II
challenges with their
The option I traps out of
which we try to rise: Week
spirits, just like in a flea
circus, just aim for the top
of the trap they are in. Born
as originals they end up
as copies within the
confinements of the ZG-
zeitgeist. Thus computer
users are kept busy with
bugs in the operation
systems, viruses, spam,
politics and social media
hypes and infotainment...
More and more, personal computers are
used to model one’s life; the first interface
being the desktop. We all use more or less
the same elements, just related differently according to our X-personality and its parameters:
© Copyright 2013 Dr. Peter Meier / Personalized Desktop:
*my Desktop
Understanding requires application and your own
experience with it until your inside harmonizes
with your outside. Then you can take it a step
further - here to interface your Computer...