Beyond Big Pictures
...Learn to consider Option_ii
Considerations *
1) A Landing Page should reflect the
benefit of a product or a service for
the user. And so should any form of
communication reflect content about
something real or substantial in its
appropriate meaning for the lifefulfillment of
those concerned! But the latter is inhibited
under option_i by “crap magnets”; people
who attracts substance less mobs...
2) An Internet Platform such as the content-free
compentsion plans of
- NETWORKING (a recommended site to start with)
and further at the top of the Internet business
... the user by giving him or her
appropriate access to ideas,
information, products, systems
and services, ultimately towards his or her life fulfillment!
3) Know-how gives people the personally-neutral leverage to
make use of cultures (language), organizations (positions)
businesses (profession), up to platforms for personally relevant
usage with a parameterized profile and functions such as your
desktop, or the HTA, the High Traffic Academy so you get traffic to your landing page and thereby the proper
attention you deserve with and for your lifefulfilling task fulfillment.
4) With the emergence of BIM, the Big Idea Mastermind, the
maximum possible under option_i has been reached; yet you
know by now, that is necessary to reach beyond option_i traps,
but that is not sufficient to allow Option_ii. And so with all good
intentions, increasing traffic in world_i just blows up another
bubble until it blasts. And to avoid that, people simply leave bubbles to rote and speed up new bubble blowing,
leveraged by ever faster and more efficient technologies - such as in Internet Marketing...
Above you find my 5-year life cycles; as a
child up to the age of 5, challenged to
find my h=living space to make use of my
§1-rights to express what was essential to
me. That is what people do at best with a
landing page. Then up to the age of 10, I
was challenged to make use of my §2-right
to act out essential purposes. That shows in
the Internet with personal squeeze pages
on a platform. In this way the Internet is a
kindergarten of home pages, which kids
turn into landing pages to top others...
6) In world_i people at the §2-level of 10 year old kids are
targeting for the younger ones on level §1 typical for kinder-
garten. However, as a teenager the challenge is to regulate
one’s life with its urges with §3-integrity, in my case to focus on
my innate §2-purpose with its y-substance of coping with the
y=minimum necessary in view of handling the >1=very bad in
order to make use of my §3-resource for c=profiling towards
the >6=very good possible in society. Please step out of your
shoe and put yourself into those of mine; at the age of 12, I
e=physically experienced the world, 1956 in the Hungarian
revolt which was crashed by Russian tanks, and similarly the
Chines subdued Tibet. I got really upset when at the Swiss
election the communist sympathizers hang out adds. So I had
to glue a black cross over them, in red “Hungary” and
“Tibet” written on them to restore my §3-integrity in view of the
betrayers in my own country. Since 1979, from then, on my
B3-life path, I spend a good part of my life to research to
understand how and why, option_i damned and damming
scribes and enticed wussies still dominate the world as crap
magnets; herding up people with their thinking-, towards the
known human catastrophes: Meanwhile, by 2012, in my 3rd
yearly phase of my 14th L1-5-year cycle, all these riddles
indicated above had lead me to clarity about what is going on
in humanity under the spell of option_i, and how to L3-resolve
it all. In short, under option_i people inhibit each others’ §3-
integrity in the name of “the others”; to utmost evil concept
damming people under option_i! And that for the §3-less §2-
hidden agenda of pre-trans-trapping complaining crap
magnets, promoting their substance less egos with affiliate
links. e.g. the thoughts seemingly of others, in fact making
their days and those concerned now a globally synchronized
social Darwinian rat race - check out the dynamic of the
social media! So now please put yourself in the thus opened
up possibilities with appropriate i-GPS to check
my vision and what is already in place for you too: