The best kept Secret of how...
humans became their worst enemy!
The Zeitgeist-Spirit of the Time is powered
by the seemingly unbeatable mix of Economy
> Army - Formal mass-attractive Trend Setting
with which the USA intends to lead the world_i. To
play this power game, you need to
A) Evoke ?0-ATTENTION for your hidden
agenda beyond the *3-ego centered mindset
and/or the §3-integrity of real human beings to
their innate X-self. The agenda is to thus sell an
idea, a product, an ideology up to a system which
allows you the potential customer to become part
of your target %-group. It consists of people who
have the desire in common to outsource a specific
part of their substance to something which is
supposedly working better. faster, stronger, more
secure, more satisfying ones wishes, specifically
to belong to a collective say of the “free smokers”
in the “Marlboro spirit” of the prairie...
B) Then you need to come up with a hypnotizing
ANALYSIS using a non-sequitur, stating an
undeniable fact coupled via the “and” word,
suggesting your agenda, also where it does not
logically follow from the former using rhetoric so
that you can easily order the target group to join
in before anybody dares to point out the thinking
catastrophe thus evoked, say by pointing to the
fact that the “Emperor is naked”...
C) Once having people streamlined for your
focus, you can make an OFFER to make decision
making easy the way you want it, and hard in any
other way. This is typical in bureaucracies and
parties. Thus Goebbels made Nazi Germany
going along into the “total war”.
D) Then your ARGUMENTATION needs to
cement the thus subtly enhanced value of going
%-along with the others in the trend, suggesting
people can satisfy their +2 greed (reward and
bonus) avoiding their -4 fear (punishment) to
otherwise become outcast. This is achieved by
what is called Spin Doctoring, Public Relation,
Lobbying. The thus operating elite makes sure,
that sufficient followers get conditioned to use
these 5 steps under option_i before understanding
the ethics and of using such tools for Option_ii.
E) Then you can also pick the right moment for a
CLOSURE as Mephistopheles did it with Dr.
Faustus to make him agree to sell his soul for
worldly success under option_i. It is time to
reveal and overcome this secret subtle way that
screws up every substance on this planet!
*The Secret