Big Idea Mastermind_ii masters
...beyond World_i with Option_ii
1) We have to earn our
living in a man-made
world_i of mass-attractive
business and opinions.
And all that makes us try
to make use of it, and
that evokes a need to
make traffic easy and
thus rewarding.
Move by clicking the arrow
2) Economy_i has lead to man-made vehicles for traffic
of goods, and and now Internet Platforms for surfing with
ideas. Yet by option_i, the money system is now in a crisis
since 2008. And that has evoked a need for individuals to
“print money” on demand for themselves up to creating easy
earn while you learn
- NETWORKING (a recommended site to start with)
and further at the top of the Internet business
- EMPOWER NETWORK that is now changing the business
in an exemplary way from bottom to top giving you an equal
chance to be all-in with the best systems for personal
and financial growth, a no-brainer, just as books provide
access to knowledge for all...
3) Drivers under option_i, in wordy business as usual, now
have e-GPS, external Global-Positioning-Systems available
for their thus enhanced businesses. This brings individuals up
to the level of big business (in a driving comparison up to the
level of experienced taxi drivers) with access to global
systems which are increasingly available for the public. In
comparison, generally available systems with their higher
number of users, can be even cheaper, better, and used more
flexible by smart people in none or just flat hierarchies; in
voluntary, anything goes networks...
4) With the emergence of BIM, the Big Idea
Mastermind of the HTA, the High Traffic
Academy since the last night of the so far
superior world_i, on Dec. 21, 2012, even
the best vehicles_i (2) will from then on be
reframed by speeding them up from
bottom to top just as natural science
allowed technology to overcome dogmatic
religious and political power structures....
5) Using an i-GPS, an inner Growth-Potential-System, real
human beings become empowered to even L3-reframe BIMs.
And that before they become closed option_i systems
again; self-destructive just like any car without a driver, when
the “Empire” of the zeitgeist or entropy strikes back again!
What happened after the Reformation, the Age of Enlighten-
ment, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 with the expected inner
and outer peace dividend, what after the so-called “Arab
spring” with democracy, with the latter in terms of personal
freedom for lifefulfillment even in the leading USA?
See what I mean?All of the above might really be, or just
made to appear to be necessary, but in itself any mixture of is
certainly not sufficient for turning this planet into a LifeFul-
filling Platform! But the world_i rather leaves it to whatever
mass-attractivity can be evoked, and be it that on Dec. 21,
2012 the world comes to an end. This kind of self-fulfilling
prophecy up to philosophical discussions and demo-crazy is
in fact just an evil trick to make people outsource conscience,
their time, their lives for building a pyramid, an empire, going
along with philosophical constructs, up to the total war of the
Nazis and other kind of self-suicide terror, now bubbles. Do
YOU still have doubts, whether you want to let go this kind of
option_i evilness? And all that because you freak out over
new "word" such as "Option I/II", "i-GPS", meaningfully colored
text, arrows to click to get further, just because this has no
denotational, generally obvious meaning like "tree" to which
everybody can react with trendy rhetoric to compete against
self, in your relationships, teams, culture, and if you are a big
shot, to spear head the zeitgeist into nothingness! You have a
mobile?It's software is full of subroutines with tags only
insiders know about; that is the way to build up functional
technology! Compare this with politics struggling with merely
personally-neutral words still cultivating the same old thinking
catastrophes - need I say more about this substance less,
sumptuous Option I you still prefer, or? NO; then
please consider my offer