What do you have TIME for?
YOUR Business!
The world_i is now being flooded with video enhance
and interactive pages to impress “friends”.
Few have meaningful content aiming at understanding
important relationships, which is what LIFE is for. The
former fascinates tremendously, the later is nowadays
ignored as too complicated,
ridiculed and suppressed with
“satanic verses” demeaning real
people’s personally relevant
insights in the meaning of their
lives. Such verses reiterate that
understanding requires more brains than what is
socially compatible. And so people as sheeple reduce
themselves and their lives to what is politically correct
under option_i and remain tribal homo sapience playing
with mass-attractive gimmicks. Then insights are
mystified as bordering to miracles beyond common
sense. And so those who mark that limits with reward
and punishments, effectively convincing people to
respect them for doing so, become the new elite up to
priests claiming to represent God on Earth so that no
challenging better understanding is needed anymore.
Thus their hierarchy can control and instrumentalize
the lives of their serves. That is how they fulfill their
promise to “save” people from “having” to understand
what they are here for with their given lives to fulfill...
Imagine your pointer to
be your internal Growth-
i-GPS which points you
to how the mid-finger’s
limiting your life
(thumb), such as the
forms of communication
mask content and its
meaning (pointer). That is now organized by the
ring-finger in organizations, enhanced with the
little finger of technology. Then do not wonder if
first your inner, then your outer life is crippled
under option_i bubbles which eventually burst,
spitting out the people (lacking a job, an income,
an essence) under its “protection”. And so we all
long for products and systems which empower
us is to avoid this destiny, aiming at having our
own business with a service to help others!
But does LIFE aim for BUSINESS, or are
businesses here to serve personally relevant
Lifefulfillment leading to LifeFulfilling
Platforms, that is today’s question to be asked
beyond liberal and social politics! Learn more
about the Five Finger Presentation Technique©
to be able to express what is essential about
YOUR life! As long as people are little jealous
of each other’s ability to make mass-attractive
forms, lifefulfillment gets sublimated.
to fulfill