requiring COURAGE to use OPTION II ! 
In my present L1-cycle, 2012/13 I have shifted from clarity towards freedom to fully apply what I have started to work out in 1979 and now, in my 7th B3- Cycle, getting challenged to be become aware of my B3-path in my life. It is beyond striving for   traffic created money; though necessary, it is not sufficient for my, or anybody else’s life project – each of us innately IS and wants to be fulfilled considering Option II. That is why I am approaching you to considering synergy  up to your Option II and acquiring your i-GPS; together with say mine, this allows sufficient synergy between us.  Option I on the other hand inhibits the life cycles 3-16 from acquiring any meaning in the world, and that is why it is still on the level of kindergarten (kids till 5, sorting out what makes them part of their tribe) with the intellectual devil’s advocates (year 5-10, sorting opposition to be able to divide and rule the world to death with limiting agendas). Therefor without Option II, we should not wonder why teenagers freak out, take drugs and, after being born as originals, they end up as copies of the zeitgeist and thereby part of the problem! Some might even welcome another war to let off steam all unleash all the human catastrophe which stem from the Option I thinking catastrophe: It needs to be overcome in OUR time, urgently, better right from NOW on..  
Option I has now been perfected to substitute life with traffic evoking opinions replacing everything still with substance, and personal growth with groupie stuff and its added values.  This stuff is indeed awesome and shows what can be done for and with money! On the other hand my content on this site is awesome because it makes use of Option II which is about what we can do for and with our innate potential. I hope you are getting ready for synergy – I am!  Aged 68, 2012 I was in my 14th L1-Cycle of my life, with two more “last chances” to face the challenge of qualifying in all my 16 inner resourcesL1–meaning loving engagement with Option II towards the next L2-Cycle of timely exchange of project- oriented competence, ultimately in the last L3- Cycle to Reframe the self-destructive world  obsessed with Option I. That is what among others, Michael Gorbachev did with the “Evil Empire” of the Soviet groupies.   I have recently tested this approach in view of the utmost challenge, the two options Adolf Hitler had, modeling both in the five yearly phases of the eleven 5-year cycles, which he wasted by falling for Option I in the context of the fallen World War I generation. Then I outlined the five cycles Hitler missed out of due to his suicide, exemplary for world_i...
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