RULES alone are not sufficient to
...outlaw option_i, they rather promote it!
Rules *
1) Above is a typical rule used in social
media against the -4 temptation of giving in
to what seemingly does not work among the
others. Sooner or later, according to the
communists, every means is then justified for
this victim power to have the enemy mobbed
then liquidated through a mass-movement...
Vic the
[MP3 9:20 min]
2) This rule inhibits
option_i competition
of showing off with %-
something other than
self_ii, by %5-
manipulation with
%6-projecting one’s claim for +2 more of the same
among others out of greed trying to legitimize it as
%1-politically correct - for the others to having to
accept it.
3) This rule needs to be understood as a challenge for participants to
make use of their innate Option_ii for lifefulfilling task fulfillment of
self, and thereby supporting that of others appropriately; based on
understanding the respective i-GPS! Without the latter, these three
rules can and will eventually be misused to leverage the position
power of a leader by him and/or his cheer groupies, or by interest groups
pulling the strings towards their hidden agendas. And then, today rather sooner than later, such a group
becomes yet another closed system with an innately self-destructive dynamic. In fact most groups were
initially formed against others in the name of helping people to overcome the -4 stress they have with the -4
inadequacies of others. Can you see now how the devils’ circle closes up with rule 1 when a critical
number of people have outsourced their X-substance even to a better method of a better leader? Then as in
the finance crises, a bigger bubble is set up as an umbrella to soften the bursting smaller bubble, until the
whole of humanity is a bubble to eventually bust. That is what we have been warned of through the ages. Now
signs are on all walls for those with eyes to see and ears to still hear content and its meaning...
The above three rules rise the question
about how to make sure, a participant is all
in with his X-substance. The answer is
simple but of course in a non-negotiable
contrast with option_i; make sure each
participant has his or her innate personally
relevant h-living space available! In terms of
animal we speak of habitat, e.g. we do not
expect a fish to survive on a rock in the
desert. Though on Ayers Rock some can
survive in the sand of a dried up pond until
the next rain comes and be it 7 years...
5) [9Pp: §1>1 B5>6] is my requirement to be ethically all-in
with my X-9Pp being. To have my lifefulfilling impact with B5-
lifefulfilling F9-basics for the 6=very good, in a P=Process
which p=prepares my task fulfillment, I obviously need a h-
living space in which I can make appropriate usage of my §1-
right to express what is basically essential. That is what I did
on this site as an answer to the open problem how to reduce
the meaning of option_i in social media so they do not
become crap magnets, Remember, people emigrated from
Old Europe to America hoping for a better future - what has
happened since, and where do you emigrate to now? In
fact, 1986 I realized that Switzerland got derailed for option_i; I
went into exile to Australia just to realize one year later,
that Australia also began to follow that direction like
meanwhile the whole world_i. In other words, it is time for a
critical number of real human beings to fulfill their tasks
where they are; without undue traffic that pollutes the outer
and the inner world! And this requires making personally
relevant use of Option_ii towards LifeFulfilling Platforms in
order to overcome all the self-destructive collectives_i before
the point of NO return. Now please imaging a team where
participants understand and respect each other with the above
[h-X] i-GPS! As the ultimate test, assume somebody like
Adolf Hitler with [1Ce: §0>5 §1>3] is in your group (applies to
1 out of 144), and how you would handle him: He needs a §0-
sustainable h-living space where he can personally cope with
what is 5-good (that was a bit of a challenge for Adolf in the
trenches of World War I surrounded by people who gave up!).
And then to §1-express what is basically essential to really
cope with 3-unsatisfactory situations (obviously not waging
another war!): The [h-X] i-GPS works as a measure stick for
real human beings who understand theirs beyond just rules,
and who have the courage to apply it in time! Let us face it,
there are no shortcuts here! Don’t kid yourself that you do not
need this content and understand its meaning!