The Basic Lessons of Life
* Lessons
Don’t we all think we would be alright with
ourselves if it were not for the others?
So let us face the lessons with the others:
Pleas begin and click > Lesson 1:
... revealed with Language_ii
Humans are packed in descriptive, narrative, case-
oriented writings such as the “lung” in room 213 - the
smoker in his terrible end phase - no more romantics!
When you get stuck with my languages#3 check the Basics and learn them - how? see Lesson 4!
In 2012 I gained the full clarity about option_i versus Option_ii in my 14th 5-year cycle of the L1-challenge,
in phase 3. In addition to the above basics, there are those about the nine functions F1-6 and the 16 social
impact dimensions all of it, and thus real people’s existence, are ignored by established_i sciences#1-#2-
#0, in the sheer arrogance that what is outside theories_i may not be, up to self and God the Creator as
the Bible highlights it with Herod and the scribes! And that is why the Bible and what it points to with time-
less and personal relevance, is no topic under option_i! Similarly the laws of nature and ecology are subdued
to the usurped substance power of rhetoric, the intellect, traditional religions and hierarchies, peer reviewed
humanities and politics; option_i thinking catastrophes which nobody really wants, except the majority!
So please drop such crutches, stand up and B3-5 fulfill your life as we are all called to by Jesus Christ!
* Lesson > Basics
TOPIC: Option_ii, how people’s X=being is
hold together, such as the spine does it with
the body, for personally relevant life- through
task fulfillment as follows: (touch)
Beyond Anthology of ZG-illusions to
compensate ignorance for substance:
To cope with this real life complexity, (touch)
humans have 4 sciences#1-#2-#0-#3
associated each with a state of being:
- quantitatively serving content-free#1 (green)
- wordy assuming personally-neutral#2 (red)
- formal - symbolic - virtual art#0 (pink)
- existential, personally relevant#3 (blue)
with your §-rights to
§1-express yourself towards following your
§2-inner purpose, dedicated to
§3-live with integrity, in a
§0-sustainable way beyond rights, witnessing your
B1-belief towards a
B2-breakthrough on your
B3-path which in
B4-truth leads to your personally relevant
B5-lifefulfillment, beyond your own life’s time in the
H1-hope for a
H2-superior order in which
H3-reality makes sense and can be
H4-understood in its substance, so
L1-love allows you to invest yourself with the certainty about
L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence, in time for
L3-reframing option_i this way with Option_ii
Remember, where there are just §-laws, there
is no B-beleive in life, where there is just life,
there is no H-hope, and where there is just
hope, there is no L-love...
1) The Zeitgeist spirit of the time
The ZG is an expression of the long tribal history of
mankind, it p-precedes the human insight into the UR-
Universal Religion at best the cradle for Option_ii:
* Lesson 1 > Bm
Lesson 1 is about Bm, the Boundary
conditions that multiply in mass-attractive
ways to form the Bm-Zeitgeist (ZG) as the
so far only cultivated option_i for society!
1) Please become aware of the
the Bm-inadequacy of plain text
personally neutral language#2
propagated by philosophy; the
mother of the anything formally
goes ZG and thus of all evil!
Consider, the G2-breakthrough
beyond the dogmatic Dark
Ages was made possible by
Issac Newton by introducing the
appropriate mathematics#1 to
do justice to the laws of nature,
the prime certainty beyond
the permanent self destructive
ZG and thus the denotational
meaning of words devouring
everything built on it; substance
less ending up in collapsing
bubbles and worse nowadays,
threatening the survival on
this unique planet Earth:
2) Get acquainted with the
underlying vision and its
corresponding personally
relevant language#3 using
abbreviations and colors!
Sorry for the color blind people
- science#1 is depicted green,
#2 red, #0 pink, #3 blue.
Among others, the latter allows
a functional hierarchy of
subroutines in the software
and thus parameterizing user
interfaces. This is a first step to
LifeFulfilling Platforms_ii
away from Bm-ZG social
Darwinian organizations
despising real human beings as
consumers and rest functions
to be cannibalized to maintain
otherwise collapsing man-made
systems in favor of the elite...
3) Since humans could §1-express their
inner self, attempts have been made to unify
cultures with a Universal Religion beyond
the idolatry of the ZG. The Bible gives the
best historical account of this proof that
humans have a personally relevant, God
created X-substance ranging from §1-L3:
Before you click Lesson 2, please consider this personally relevant lesson 1 of mine in your terms:
In my 5th year, in the phase of getting challenged to use my freedom for §1-expressing myself towards
what is healthy for me, and what is not, I realized my other-determinedness when my mother tried to enforce
sleeping hours in tune with Bm-ZG as the
way to be! In bed, in the dark, desperate, I threw my
house shoes at her, making clear that I>>>
(touch picture) wanted her to respect my §1-h living
space not just as a executioner of the
ZG but as my mother! In fact G-guilt ridden in UR_i, my
mother made the UR_ii f-mood to be the
UR_ii Bm-H4-non-questionable basics to be enforced.
Then my a-intuition made it clear to me, that there is another way to §1-express myself about my h-living
space than to throw objects (the onset to war between people lacking an understanding UR); for me it was
the onset to search for science#3, full time since 1979, among others to come up with what you see here.
Me, holding on to my h-space of impact#1 in
public; until 1979 I was
serving with technology#1
before I turned to my
inner science#3 as
outlined here 4U.
In fact 23% of all
people have it as their
conscience#3 with no
£ public support for it is
not at all
* Lesson 2 > UR_i
Lesson 2 is about UR_i, the Universal
Religion Bm-instrumentalized by the ZG,
specifically by wordy philosophy via theo-
logy to rule politics...
UR_i is the attempt to use religion as a means to T-
Trap people as sheeple under the same Bm-rule; with
this option_i ancient Egypt was unified > globalization.
1) According to Mao Zsedong
an unarmed prophet like Jesus
will be killed, an armed one can
make it like Mohamed and him!
That applies under option_i and
is one of the causes of its self-
destructiveness! Whatever p-
preceds its present cultivated T-
Trap is equally or even harsher
prosecuted like what would t-
transcend it in time before the
point of no return to its collapse.
Thus option_i evokes so-called
ptT-Pre-trans-Traps beginning
with wordy philosophy based on
denotations, words in their
personally neutral meaning in
the ZG, the prototype of all
ptT, the mother of all thinking
catastrophes breeding human
catastrophes and worse! And
humanity has not learnt, YOU?
2) For UR_i, §1-2-3-0 are
treated as heresy just like
evoking evil spirits, e.g. real
human beings are %-pre-trans-
trapped! The inner resources
bRyJ (balance-resolution-
minimum-justification) are put
down as subjective, non-
democratic, at best as a mere
opinion, aIp (intuition-concept-
perception) as non-socially
compatible, ! (getting essential,
“dying) is reduced to giving rise
to -4 fear and +2 greed like
death, an own h (living space)
as an *3-egoistic ?0-illusions,
bluff, c (character profile) giving
rise to T-tension, f (feeling) to
G-guilt, S (relaxing) to A-anger,
the rest, vtX (value-thinking-
being) prejudged by the ZG...
3) UR_i standardizes the non-essential states (%+-e?*) and the emotions (TAG) so their formal
expressions can be funneled into the then G-guilt ridden ZG via Bm. This is not what say Jesus Christ really
did and said, that matters! With UR_i people %5-manipulated as sheeple; “humans”, are herded up with
what was %1-politically correctly written down, translated, and interpreted by the Bm-wordy philosophy based
theology and its rituals, edifices and events by which the ruling class, priests, nobles, managers, banksters
and their spin doctors %6-project their hidden agendas...
4) Please consider my personally relevant Lesson 2 in terms of how history and politics effects YOU:
In my 12th year, in the phase of getting clarity about my §2-purpose, in 1956 when Soviet tanks crushed the
Hungarian people and Chinese
machine gun mawed down Tibetans, the Swiss communist
party hang out adds to get elected
in parliament! When after WW II, nobody cried treason, it
dawned on me in what world
(touch pic) we are living! Meanwhile many of those
sympathizers to the political left of the
fragmenting zeitgeist sit in high positions. Behind the scene,
they sit at the same tables with those
from the right side to sell people as sheeple for stupid; two sides
of the ZG-coin! My lesson was to find an effective way to speak up to people with good will. Thus beyond
throwing things at (lessons 1), I made stickers as depicted, and at night, I glued them over some of the
communist adds. You see, I sensed the fear of the ZG which subdues people under option_i; but not me!
2) UR_i, the intrumentalized Religion
“Human” Secret Sinner unconscious
Unarmed prophets are outcast,
mobbed ones, crucified
by the armed ZG-prophets,
intellectuals, useful idiots & Co...
* Lesson 3 > UR_ii
Lesson 3 is about UR_ii, “Humanism”, the
self-sustained Universal Religion expressed
with wordy philosophy to make real people
meaningless in the name of pacifying ideals.
UR_ii is the attempt to %1-generalize#2 people in their
basic rights of §1-§2 as “humans” to divide them, so
they can be ruled in T-Traps under the same Bm-rule:
1) Accept §1-expressing your
mode y to be parceled in bRJ so
that everyone can relate to it as
your subjective opinion, never
mind your §2-purpose! Then it
can be %-democratized as your
believe and insight to be turned
outside as one of many. Thus a
free subject, you may %5-
discuss with others about a B2-
breakthrough in making your I-
concepts mass-attractive or to
giving in where they are reacted
to as >2 bad
ones. It is
stupid! Do
not ask for
else, or you
are in big
trouble, as non-human!
2) Leave the rest B3-L3 to
destiny to those legitimized to
discuss them and e-experience!
You, in the image of God, thus
remain a secret, not for you or
any mortal to be understood, for
the sake of tradition to sustain
itself at the cost of your X-inner
nature remaining irrelevant_i!
For that purpose X=8Cw is
suited as the only oegp with
X*X=h(X), with a similarly
outstanding quality like “1” in
mathematics, and to bluff with
X*ZG=ZG such as in math, “0”
annihilates it all. And that is the
basis for human hierarchies to
represent God on Earth; the
rule of men over men, so man
becomes his worst enemy in the
service of ZG, the devil’ circle!
3) Look at recent history of countries with a Protestant UR_ii humanist background; they do well in
their economy, catholic ones with their UR_i hierarchies less, ZG-driven ones like most other countries
even less up to failing states. But thriving economies were also the motor for the horrible wars, wounds
and environmental destructions. And meanwhile the polarizing ZG-Mammon emerged out of it to
dominates it all! This is now the biggest threat of mankind with its thinking- evoking human-catastrophes. So
the Option_ii less ZG-snake has become so fat that it can bit in its tail to chew itself up, progressing...
4) Please do not consider my Lesson 3 lightly; it is most important to ALL of YOU in this critical phase:
In 1979, in my 35th year, in the phase of having to restore my health with the clarity about my B3-path
gained, after I had to e-experience, then UR>ZG is stronger than family bonds, loyalty to one’s country and
genuine humanity, and that neither
throwing things nor pointing to facts and basics can
do any good under option_i, (touch
pic), I made up my mind to dedicate the rest of my
life to the B4-truth about Option_ii.
And here you see what has come out of it 24 later;
the so far everywhere missing
Applied Personal Science#3 APS, with which I am
literally treated by ZG>UR_i intellectuals and the UR_ii elite like the Jews by Rom’s Universal Church and
then by the Nazis; I am the ZG-revealer and that is the most dangerous heresy under option_i for its elite
on all ZG > UR_i > UR_ii levels in all their hierarchies, by their system_i wardens with the same prejudices!
3) The self-sustained Religion
“Human” Secret Sinner unconscious
After 34 years of applied research with science#3:
- I am no longer a secret to myself nor are
- the options there are to deal with others and the
- temptations that involves, a secret anymore to me.
However, there are still open questions:
1) I know how an X-being e-experiences his or her
body, but not why - the Creator made it that
way; the same applies for the law of gravity...
2) How to give people traumatized under
option_i (lesson 1-3) a sense of the
utmost importance of Option_ii?
3) When and to who to pass
on my work in time to
make Option_ii available
for a sufficient number of
real human beings for
a turnaround?
What gives people a dignifying existence?
According to the hype of Dr. Manfred Lütz it is the
secret of which a human is worthy of! And then he
raves in his potential bestseller about the bluff the
man-made world is and that social networks make
people meaningless - a secret to each other...
A sunset is more than a dance of photons therefore Dr. Lütz all-round view of the world extends from mass
psychology to the plastic world of money, the cult of beauty to media gurus. However, only death, the real and
existential one, is pushed aside in the fake world_i in which we live. He is at best an unfortunate mishap, at
worst a complaint against a loss. But beware, Lütz does not attempt to prove God. He, a shrink, tries to
detect falsification to encourage the readers to live their lives consciously in terms of the humanities,
resisting the deceptive impressions he points out. Doesn’t that sound more mass-attractive than my lessons?
A bluff on top of the called bluff is what people want, not a challenge to understand as they are understood!?
* Lesson 4 > O_ii
Lesson 4 is about the so far thrown away
corner stone for lifefulfillment, Option_ii
the stumbling block for option_i and its
mono-political madness and bluff!
UR_ii is the attempt to generalize people as “humans”
to divide real people so they can be ruled in T-Traps
under the same Bm-boundries mass-multiplied...
1) Accept the basic questions
your life IS an answer to, and
that option_i inhibits that to
be understood! And that is
precisely YOUR challenge to
overcome with Option_ii!
2) Learn that your life urges you
to fulfill it in 5-Year Cycles
beginning with your §-rights to
§1-express yourself, §2-follow
your inner purpose, §3-live with
integrity, in a §0-sustainable
way your B1-belief towards a
B2-breakthrough on your B3-
path which in B4-truth leads to
B5-lifefulfillment in the H1-hope
for a H2-superior order in which
H3-reality makes sense and can
be H4-understood in its inner
substance, so L1-love allows
you to invest yourself...
3) ... with the certainty about
L2-timely exchange of project-
oriented competence, in time
towards L3-reframing option_i
with Option_ii before the
former’s point of NO return
from its self-destructiveness!
4) Learn to trust your inner
resources (mine hyCM...)
beyond the UR_ii “humanist”
ones, use them to command
your non-essential life- and
mind-energies (mine e, %1,6,
?0*3) and the TAG-emotions
accordingly, resisting the
temptation to default to the
UR_i modes in which your
“soul” gets sucked into the ZG
via the moody H4-f in its mass-
attractive Bm, into the ZG...
5) Look at the ZG history with its (1 above) now predominant evolutionary pseudo-sciences, (2) which
infotain people with barraging them with a flood of messages and images beyond what their mind can handle,
so that (3) they let all hope for L2 - L3 go, then (4) their inner resources thus demeaned just as intended in
Nazi concentration camps and Soviet Gulags, turn people into sheeple to be cannibalized for keeping the
respective option_i systems going, at all cost - meanwhile at the threat of destruction of the life support
systems of our Earth! What more do you need to be able to give Option_ii a chance in your life?
6) Please learn what is personally relevant 2U in my Lesson 4, as my students, with the 222-technique:
In 1986, in my 42nd year, in the phase of finding out what there is to be fulfilled in my B5-
life, I realized that most of the human systems I was in, family, science, economy up to my
country Switzerland, were undoing the EXODUS of God’s chosen people away from option_i,
creeping back to what the first Pharaoh Narmer had invented, option_i to rule people for and
with Dead-End Technology. In fact very few things have improved since, and
only few people, institutions, organizations or companies I know did not get
sucked in. And so I went to exile to Australia, where I registered “Applied Personal Science”
and realized I had to go where I could be most effective with it, still Switzerland: To overcome
the mislead science_i of crippling real human being within thinking catastrophes; touch>>>
4) IS to give Meaning to Option_ii !
“Human” Secret Sinner unconscious
This is not all there is to life!
Click to learn
more about your
5 fingers...
* Language_ii
Language is an amplifier of meaning; in
itself, towards option_i in its appeal to be %-
understood, and +2 liked, -4 outcasting the
others in a common ?0 fantasy...
UR_ii is the attempt to generalize people as “humans”
to divide real people so they can be ruled in T-Traps
under the same Bm-boundries mass-multiplied...
1) Accept that language in itself
is a form people react to and
therefore in itself has the quality
of science#0, that of an idol,
beginning with “dead letters”
as the Bible puts it, asking for
common enthusiasm...
2) Used to convey content and
meaning as communication,
language unlike idols, gives rise
to surprise, when it conveys
information rather than mis-
used as infotainment for a
hidden agenda (marketing) or
simply as entertainment with
anything goes. The option_i
temptation is towards an all
encompassing language so all
can be pre-trans-trapped into
the ZG zeitgeist > in yellow >
3) Each science has it own way
to express its substance; the
humanities#2 with personally-
neutral words, the sciences of
nature#1 with content-free
mathematics about quantitative
relationships, the arts#0 with
convincing, anything goes forms
in their appearance, and
science#3 with open-ended
generative principles as used
here with its basics.
4) Option_i consists in tagging
everything “humanistically#2” to
express anything that goes#0
mass-attractive exclusively as
Hitler did it in “Mein Kampf” for
the Aryan supremacy. Then as
on a battlefield, all red goes
black, dead; an unfulfilled end!
5) Language#0 aims for a sensual, convincing reaction (applause), Language#2 for some common sense
submission under Bm, the boundary conditions made mass-attractive, Language#1 aims at being of service
to express the logic of the objective universe. Galileo Galilee resisted by the Vatican with his statement#1,
Issac Newton’s foundation of modern physics#1 allowed the Age of Enlightenment beyond cultivated#2
dogmas#0! Yet the Empire#0>#2 has meanwhile instrumentalized it all up to throwing atom bombs and now
with the threat of global destruction. And that is the consequence of pre-trans-trapping science#3...
6) What is conveyed with language and is not followed up with the 222-technique is idolatry...
And so the ZG zeitgeist amplified with technology#1, organized#2 and formed#0 now to a global information
flood, is flashing conscience#3 out of most people’s. However, the latter is X-essential for 23% of people
(such as me), while the others need it to fulfill their specific essential states#3 of being (me also in my p-
perception, 8Cw UR_ii, yaIp to not degenerate to UR_i). Obviously if science#3 is pre-trans-trapped in
society, people in it are thus divided in their silenced states#3 of being to thus be ruled towards the ZG;
see how evil starts with pre-trans-trapping language#2 where it is allowed by sheeple to assume supremacy
via philosophy! And that is what the Old Testament <touch) is all about; the consequences of idolatry
beginning with language#2, %6-pretending to be the %1-exclusive way to act out §1 simply as opinions to
be left to mass-mood’s attractivity, which can of course be %5-manipulated by the upper echelons...
This is not all there is to life!
...begin with the Usage of Language !
1) The Bible begins in the OT
with the fundamentally#1
creative#0 act of God. It was
followed up by the “crown of his
creation”, man, %6>1 seducing
each other into submission#2
(Egypt). God’s answer was to
have the Pharaoh %5- touch>
manipulated by Moses to let his
people go. They e-experienced
the Exodus from slavery
simply as +2 more of the same
(Golden Calf) and -4 not to their
liking. This was followed up by
?0-idolatry in which prophets,
judges, and kings tried to make
God’s people *3-survive
(Babylonian enslavement). It
ended with King David’s T-
tensions followed up by his son
Solomon’s G-guilt to become
the curse of Israel up to the A-
anger with the Pharisees
under Rom’s rule. Then God
seemed inactive so the Jews
politicized and philosophized
like any other people and then
Mohamed could reframe#0 him
as “Allah”, Nietzsche in modern
time, declare HIM dead...
So much without Jesus Christ
which Mohamed reduced to a
“prophet” to deny his meaning:
2) The New Testament begins
under Roma rule with the A-
anger of suffering people and
rebells. In these T-tense times,
<touch Jesus’ personally-relevant
#3 e-experience as the son of
man#2 made the +2 greedy
Herod *3 react first in all the %1-
politics, -4 fear and ?0-idolatry at
the time. With Jesus, G-guilty in
terms of OT-tradition, time came
to a end with his crucifixion. It
was followed up by the %5-
people sucking Vatican in the
Dark Ages up to Martin Luther’s
Reformation with its terrible wars
up to genocide above all of the
Jews. Then the survivors founded
modern Israel, now in clash with
the Arabs under the Damocles
sword of opening up nuclear
weapon proliferation (Iran...)
and more subtle, under all sorts of
conspiracies for a New ZG-
World Order against God and
So the OT in the ZG-intellect, ends up in
the #1<>#0 clash between technological
modernity and ideologies as in the A-
angry Islam, the NT in the #2<>#3 clash
between collective and individual as in the
%5-manipulative “Christian” West, now
those in a cultural clash of civilizations.
In the Old Testament 8Cw-Universal Religion, Moses, then King David qualified with the y-minimal necessity
towards the >5 good of the chosen people; based on their a-insights into what is good in the eye of God.
They came up with I-concepts (10 Commandments), which allowed the people overcoming >2 bad times
(Goliath), p=perceiving H3-reality (Manna in the desert) towards >4 peace with God. This is followed up in
the 4Bm New Testament by Jesus’ B1-believe in God’s I-concepts with which he identified and B2-broke
through to b-heal individuals of >5 good will. His teaching raised the personal f-feeling for the B4-truth
towards one’s >4 peaceful B5-life’s fulfillment, in God’s H2-higher order to the M-maximum of eternal life,
witnessing this v-value in the H3-reality towards the >5 good. Guess what Jesus’ 2nd coming will be:
Introducing Option_ii before the point of NO return of this, in itself self-destructive world_i !
So what is the substance under all the intellectual thinking- and thus evoked human catastrophes?
How Human Awareness has emancipated from the Creator:
1) Temptation to control the “gods” with the ZG as Caesar tried,
2) prophets the ZG with 6Bm-Resolutions based on the OT-UR,
3) to 4-manage the X-souls of Christens based on the Bm NT!
4) Globalization within the ZG Boundaries of mass-attractivity...
Is humanity on a §2-purpose less
B3-devil’s circle ?